Capacity Digital Apps BOM and Cost


BOM and Cost

Bill of Material Inventory and Costing

BOM And Cost on the Microsoft Store

BOM And Cost provides the functionality to create Bills of Materials in a dynamic graphic tree format.

There are two option buttons for display of either the BOM tree or a sumarized parts list and to show or hide costs on each node and BOM total costs.

There are three structured groups of BOMs, development, production and obsolete. a BOM can only be deleted when it's located in the obsolete group.

Inventory is auto relieved using the BOM structure when a production receipt is processed, at this point issue quantities can be adjusted manually.

Customer orders can be entered, picked and either fully shipped or partially shipped with multiple drops, the invoice print layout can be setup in the custom settings options.

Purchase orders can be entered and received, the purchase unit of measure conversion to inventory unit of measure is automatic.

Item types and cost types are pre setup and can be customised.

Consumption tax rates are pre setup and can be customised.

109 Unit of measure conversions are pre setup covering length, area, volume, mass and generic, custom conversions can also be added using Edit UOM Conversions.

There are seven inventory transaction types:

PR Purchase Receipt.

MI Manufacturing Issue.

MR Manufacturing Receipt.

MR-Phantom Manufacturing Phantom Receipt.

MI-Phantom Manufacturing Phantom Issue.

SA Stock Adjustment.

CS Customer Sales Shipment.

The MR-Phantom and MI-Phantom transactions types relate to receipts and issues which only happen in the production process, they are nodes in a BOM which have a parent and at least one child node. Something that is transitional such as a subassembly which is made and consumed immediately down the production line.

The generating of these two offsetting phantom transactions is optional and can be turned on or off in custom settings.

There are three transaction inquiry options:

Transaction history which has options to view the history of a single item master or all item masters and also selectable by individual transaction type or all transaction types, date range is also selectable.

Purchase receipts inquiry has options to select by individual supplier or all, individual item master or all, tax rate or all and date range.

Sales shipments inquiry has options to select by individual customer or all, individual item master or all, tax rate or all and date range.

These two inquiry options amongst other uses allow for extraction of consumption taxes paid and received over specific periods.

The cost setting and cost roll provides for periodic standard cost calculation and setting by percentage change.

The price setting and price roll provides for periodic sales price calculation and setting by percentage change.

BOM and Cost