Capacity Digital Apps Versions

Plan And Cost

Project Planning and Costing

Plan And Cost on the Microsoft Store


Windows Version Released 6th July 2020.

Enhancement to keep Task list display positioning consistent when edit and move etc. operations are done.

I.E. Returns back to the same place in the Task list you were at.

Bug fixes in the move Task operations.

Windows Version Released 24th January 2020.

Minor bug fixes.

Windows Version Released 14th January 2020.

Bug fix related to the recent Project Milestone version causing some incorrect database creations.

Some new customers starting with this version may have encountered crashes from the first loading of the app and persisting due to a timing overlap between the loading of the database process not having completed before subsequent code running that is intended to create the new milestone tables into the existing database during an upgrade.

If you are one of these customers and you have not been able to use the app to enter project information you willl need to remove the app from your device using Settings/Apps then find Plan And Cost and uninstall it. Then download the new version of the app from the store.

Important: Customers who were using a previous version before the Project Milestone Version release would not have this issue and should not uninstall the app because their database changes will be lost when the uninstall removes everything.

Windows Version Released 6th January 2020.

Now includes Project Milestones. Six different milestone graphic options including left and right facing flags, arrows up and down etc. Milestone text and graphic can be configured to display in the colors of your choice to highlight the importance of milestones. A thin line the same color as the milestone graphic runs down through all project tasks below the milestone graphic and text.

Support website link added to the main menu. This site has detailed step by step how to use the app details and screen shots.

Windows Version Released 6th October 2019.

Addition of copy a project.

Enables copy of an entire project or copy of the project without copying the costs.

Windows Version Released 21st July 2019.

All known issues in previous releases resolved.

Addition of cost delete option.

Windows Version Released 11th June 2019.

Known issues to be fixed in next releases.

On the New Project Page:

If the Add button is clicked before the Project text is entered the Return and Add buttons are made unavailable.

Temporary workaround is to go back to the Main Menu using the back arrow on the top left of the display and then back to the New Project page and enter the Project text before clicking Add.

On the Delete Task Type Page:

Typo in the can't delete message.

Plan and Cost

See product images and use guide on the Support page
